How Insurance Companies Determine Fault

Have you ever been in a car accident that you know what not your fault? But when the time comes, the insurance company says they cannot determine who was ‘at fault’ for the accident. This is not a situation most people want to be in as you most likely will need to pay your deductible out of pocket.

So how exactly do insurance companies determine fault? It is actually quite complicated.

When determining fault, the type of accident and how the damage occurs helps determine fault.

Examples of Car Accidents:

Rear End Accident: One of the most common accidents, if your car is hit by a driver who is behind you, they are at fault. This varies on a state by state basis, but in most cases the driver who is driving the car,

Passenger Side Impact: If you are in an accident and the damage on your car is on the passenger side, it is likely it is the other driver’s fault. This is especially true if the the other driver’s damage is on the front of their car.

Driver Side Impact: In most cases, if the damage occurs on the driver’s side of the vehicle while making a left turn, it usually shows that the fault of the accident is on the driver making the left turn.

There are obviously many, many other types of accidents that are tougher to determine who is at fault. Some of the other factors that insurance companies look into are: location of the accident, car damage, driving history and point of impact.

What options do you have?

The other thing to remember when it comes to insurance agencies, is they do not want to pay out for the damage. So if you are having difficulties with your car insurance provider, reaching out to an insurance adjuster can be extremely helpful. Insurance adjusters operate on your behalf, fighting to get you the money you deserve. They often work on commission fees, so if they cannot get you covered, you are not out any money.

You also have the option to hire someone to recreate the accident. These individuals will recreate the scene and help analyze who was at fault. At times, insurance companies have these experts on staff to help determine accident fault.